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Library Quarterly Report FY23 Q1: July-Sept 2022

Cataloging, Collections and Technical Services
Adapting to COVID-19

Gil Kenner and Ken Winter began work on a "best practices" document to guide creation of library digital collections. The effort started with preparations for the Library User Group meeting but it tied into a discussion with Michaele White, VDOT's lead photographer in CO Communications, about the development of new archival photo collections in the Library Digital Collections site. In addition, at the request of Dr. John Miller, the library bought an additional ITE Trip Generation Manual (on behalf of UVA student and VDOT employee Khaled Alsumait) in order to get a unique login to the manual's "exclusive online content." This marked a departure from the library's long-standing procedure with regard to accessing licensed content this way. 

OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Statistics - Sept. 30, 2022
FY22 Q4  FY23 Q1 
Transactions  566  101 
Holdings Added to WorldCat Records  87  10 
Total Titles  166,433  146,346 


Catalog Record Count
Jun 30  Sept 30 
Titles  161,309  161,338 
Copies  171,015  171,033 
Volumes (Items)  174,413  174,168 
Print Collection Usage for the Quarter
Type  Items  Location  Print Items 
VDOT  155  NOVA  61 
VTRC  58  Central Office  49 
Other In House/ILL  Richmond  10 
UVA  Culpeper  10 
Total Print Usage  213  Lynchburg 
Hampton Roads 

The table to the left adds the total number of print items borrowed by each district/division of VDOT (155) to items borrowed by VTRC personnel and others (58), creating a hard-copy borrowing total of 213.





The table below adds the number of downloads from the library's virtual collections this quarter to the circulation from the library's print holdings for a total of 3,939 items borrowed or accessed this quarter.

FY23 Q1 Total Collection Usage
 Print Circulation  213 
 Subscription Downloads 3,726 
 Library Usage for the Quarter 3,939 

The table to the left shows the total collection usage for the past five quarters. The FY23 Q1 bar reflects the total seen in the chart above, 3,939, the highest it has been in 5 quarters.

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