
CONNECTIONS: The VDOT Library E-Newsletter

Library Adds Three Online Journals (And Creates a Handy 'Core Journals' List)

~[394]~ Ken Winter ~[395]~ 2022-01-25T15:47:58-05:00 ~[408]~ Construction, Engineering, Materials, Pavements, Structures | 0 ~[396]~


Thumnail of ACI Materials Journal Thumbnail of ACI Structural Journal Thumbnail of Corrosion
ACI Materials Journal
ACI Structural Journal



Three new online subscriptions expand the library's technical journal collections, shown in our new Core Journals list. 


Last quarter the VDOT Research Library added three new online journals to its technical collections.


Those, and all of VDOT's online journal subscriptions, provide free and unlimited full-text downloads for VDOT employees—including anyone who happens to be working from a home computer off the VDOT network. 


The fact is, VDOT employees have access to more journals than they may realize...and the list is constantly growing, especially our electronic subscriptions! 


But is there a single place where you can see a "scrollable" list of all journals offered by the library? 


Until now the answer to that question has been no. While it is not perfect, we put together this "scrollable" Core Journals List of the top 200 or so transportation journal subscriptions to make it easier to find the journals you need.   


Library patrons have always been able to "look up" any journal by name with the library's online catalog, but that's more of a "look up" than a "list." Fact is, we provide some form of access (print, online or both) to thousands of journals. So perhaps a scrollable list of every  journal might be more than the average library user wants to deal with!

The beauty of this Core Journals List is that it gives you quick one-click access to the
 journals you and your peers at VDOT tend to use the most. This short video shows how to make the most of the List: 


Why does finding journals have to be so challenging? 


Well, part of it is due to the fact that you can access some journals (for some years) in print, some online, and some in both formats! Of course, we don't have everything, so you may need an article from a journal we do not have a subscription to.  As such resources are requested (when we spot that "trend"), we are gradually adding one-off subscriptions to individual journals, like the three  titles mentioned at the top of this article.


Historically, however, it has been more common (and more realistic) for the library to provide online access to journals as part of large "multi-journal online database bundles" which tend to have comprehensive coverage for recent years and which can contain tens of thousands or even millions of articles.


Examples such journal bundles include: 

Full text articles in 37 ASCE peer-reviewed technical and professional journals from as far back as 1983-present, plus 64,000 ASCE conference proceedings papers from as far back as 1996-present, as well as 500 eBooks—for a combined total of more than 155,000 online documents. 
Contains more than 59 million full-text articles from more than 4,500 magazines, trade magazines, and peer-reviewed journals. Examples include: ENR, Harvard Business Review, Governing, Businessweek, Popular Mechanics and Roads & Bridges. Also includes full text articles and reports related to business and industry, general news articles, and TV and radio transcripts. 
  • Requires library card login when off the VDOT network.
  • Contains peer-reviewed research.
  • Contains complete full text documents.
Search more than 43,500 full-text articles from 41 peer-reviewed journal titles (30 currently in publication) and conference proceedings published by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the United Kingdom. 
Search the world's leading source for peer-reviewed scientific and technical journals. VDOT employees may access 16 million full-text articles from over 4,100 journals and chapters from more than 39,000 e-books. Employees must register with their VDOT email address.


Looking for an article that is from a journal NOT on the list (and NOT in the library's online catalog) as far as you can tell?


Well, just because we don't have a full blown subscription doesn't mean we can't get the article you need!


Simply fill out this Document Delivery Request Form and we'll find and deliver any article you need in the next 1-2 weeks. 


Ken Winter
(434) 962-8979
VDOT Research Library



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This post is closed for further discussion.


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